I've got a soft spot for design + ux because of it's convening power, livelihood power, possibility power. Because of the giant-ness of opportunity it can create. Because it can bring us together. Because it's about relationship. 

Some about me stuff…. As a child I discovered drawing, and a love for it to boot. This led to design school. Which led to being a “grown up” (against my will or not) which led to graphic design. Which led to ui/ux design. And then grad school. And a few other things in there, but that's close enough. 

connect the dots

Email me at kaugie13@gmail.com. You can also find me on instagram @kaugenstein; there's this etsy shop; and linkedin.


Email me at kaugie13@gmail.com. You can also find me on instagram @kaugenstein; there's this etsy shop; and linkedin.